2D Game Example
This section showcases the Cronos play Gaming SDK integration with the Cronos chain, aiming to bring Unity games into the Cronos ecosystem. In particular, we will show how to do a basic integration of the Cronos play with the Cronos chain including:
Connecting to Cronos networks;
Installaiton of the SDK;
Obtaining a sample NFT and;
Import Sample package from Unity Asset Store
Unity (Version 2020.3.25f1 or later)
Network Name: Cronos Mainnet Beta
New RPC URL: https://evm-dev.cronos.org/
Chain ID: 25
Currency Symbol: CRO
Block Explorer URL: https://explorer.cronos.org/
Sufficient funds on deployer address
For Crypto.com Onchain Wallet integration, please refer to our documentation.
Integration guide for Cronos
Create a new project
Download the tutorial bolt kit from Unity and import the assets into the blank new project. Below are the steps for importing Tutorial Projects - Bolt Kit from Unity. See Reference #1.
Download the latest ChainSafe SDK and import it into the project.
For a detailed explanation, please refer to ChainSafe official documentation
Prefabs interaction
Step 3a. [Unity] Double click the
scene underAssets/Scenes
Transfer721 Example
Drag the
prefab underAssets/Web3Unity/Prefabs/WebGL
dir into the scene.
Update the
address underTransfer721Script
object inspectorUpdate the
To Account
address to your desired wallet address
* For acquiring the NFT, you can create your own (see Reference #2), or mint an ERC721 NFT at our Cronos NFT faucet (see Reference #3).
Build and Run
Switch to WebGL platform
Click the
Player Setting
underResolution and Presentation
Compression Format
underPublishing Settings
After that, click
Build and Run
button and you are ready to play.
What's next
The above guideline documentation only highlights the basic integration between ChainSafe and Cronos chain. You can download the full source code of the above sample game here. For other ERC protocol methods, please refer to the ChainSafe Documentation.
Import Sample package from Unity Asset Store
1a. Click to add the asset and sign in to your Unity account
1b. Create a new project in Unity
1c. Open the Package Manager window in Unity and under "My Assets" download the Bolt Kit.
1d. Select Bolt Kit: Platformer Tutorial Assets
and click Import
Bolt Kit: Platformer Tutorial Assets
and click ImportSmart contract
2a. Create an ERC standard smart contract
ERC20 example
ERC721 example
ERC1155 example
2b. Deploy Smart Contract via Remix IDE
NFT Faucet
1. Connect your wallet via metamask or walletconnect
2. Click
Create NFT
3. Create and sign the transaction after uploading the image
4. Copy the contract address and image URL from the NFT modal
5. Paste into the corresponding input box inside Unity inspector
(Optional) List NFT for sale in marketplace faucet
1. Fill in the price at list item modal and confirm
2. Sign approval and create item transaction
3. View the listed item in Marketplace tab
Last updated
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