CRONOS PLAY Unity Engine Legacy Version ERC721 A standard interface for non-fungible tokens
This section contains the different types of ERC721 methods that can be used in the Unity SDK. For additional operations and methods please refer to the ChainSafe Documentation.
Balance Of
Counts all ERC721 tokens assigned to an owner
Copy string chain = "cronos";
string network = "mainnet"; // mainnet or testnet
string contract = "CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
string account = "WALLET_ADDRESS";
int balance = await ERC721.BalanceOf(chain, network, contract, account);
Owner Of
Find the owner of an ERC721 token
Copy string chain = "cronos";
string network = "mainnet"; // mainnet or testnet
string contract = "CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
string tokenId = "TOKEN_ID";
string ownerOf = await ERC721.OwnerOf(chain, network, contract, tokenId);
Owner Of Batch
Balance of batch will get the balance of a list of token ids
Copy string chain = "cronos";
string network = "mainnet"; // mainnet or testnet
string contract = "CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
string[] tokenIds = {"TOKEN_ID", "TOKEN_ID"};
List<string> batchOwners = await ERC721.OwnerOfBatch(chain, network, contract, tokenIds);
foreach (string owner in batchOwners)
print ("OwnerOfBatch: " + owner);
Returns meta data about the token.
Copy string chain = "cronos";
string network = "mainnet"; // mainnet or testnet
string contract = "CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
string tokenId = "TOKEN_ID";
string uri = await ERC721.URI(chain, network, contract, tokenId);
All 721s
Get all 721 tokens from an account
Copy string chain = "cronos";
string network = "mainnet"; // mainnet or testnet
string account = "WALLET_ADDRESS";
string contract = "";
int first = 500;
int skip = 0;
string response = await EVM.AllErc721(chain, network, account, contract, first, skip);
Last updated 4 months ago