Cronos Testnet
Supported OS
We officially support macOS, Windows, and Linux only. Other platforms may work but there is no guarantee. We will extend our support to other operating systems after we have stabilised our current architecture.
Prepare your machine
To run Cronos Tesnet nodes, you will need a machine with the following minimum requirements to run different types of nodes:
Pruned node (setting pruning=everything)
Storage: ~25G*
RAM: 16G (LevelDB) or 64G RAM (RocksDB)***
CPU: 4-core
Default full node (setting pruning=default)
Storage: ~1.5T**
RAM: 16G (LevelDB) or 64G RAM (RocksDB)***
CPU: 4-core
Archive node (setting pruning=nothing)
Storage: ~2.8T** (LevelDB) or ~1.8T (RocksDB)
RAM: 16G (LevelDB) or 64G RAM (RocksDB)***
CPU: 4-core
*Only in case of state-sync enabled. ** e.g. Note that size of snapshots will keep growing. *** Note that during a state-sync the node might require higher RAM than 3GB but, returns to normal after state-sync has finished.
Note that all depends on the type of node you are running and settings will vary depending on your usage.
Step 0 : Notes on Testnet Network upgrade
This is a detailed documentation for setting up a full node on Cronos testnet cronostestnet_338-3
Before we start, please note that there are several binary upgrades along with the testnet:
~ 1553700
Sync-up with the blockchain until it reaches the target upgrade block height 1553700
Please note that panic: UPGRADE "v0.7.0" NEEDED at height: 1553700
is the expected error message when we hit that block.
Then continue to sync from block 1553700
Start the node again and continue to sync from block1869000
Start the node again
Start the node again
Start the node again
Step 1. Get the Cronos Testnet binary
Remarks: The following is the minimal setup for a full node.
To simplify the following step, we will be using Linux (Intel x86) for illustration. Binary for
Mac Intel x86 as Darwin_x86_64
, Mac M1 as arm64
and Windows as Windows_x86_64
are also available here. Please check the required node version here.
To install released Cronos testnet binaries from github:
Create a new folder for the Install e.g. (cronostestnet):
Afterwards, you can check the version of
Step 2. Configure cronosd
Step 2-0 (Optional) Clean up the old blockchain data
If you have joined
before, you would have to clean up the old blockchain data and start over again, it can be done by running:Remove the old Genesis file:
Before kick-starting your node, we will have to configure your node so that it connects to the Cronos Testnet:
Step 2-1 Initialize cronosd
First of all, you can initialize cronosd by:
will be the displayed id of your node when connected to the Cronos network. When providing the moniker value, make sure you drop the square brackets since they are not needed. The example below shows how to initialize a node namedpegasus-node
Depending on your cronosd home setting, the cronosd configuration will be initialized to that home directory. To simplify the following steps, we will use the default cronosd home directory
for illustration.You can also put the
to your binary path and run it bycronosd
Step 2-2 Configure cronosd
Download and replace the Cronos Testnet
by:Verify sha256sum checksum of the downloaded
. You should seeOK!
if the sha256sum checksum matches.
For Mac environment, sha256sum
was not installed by default. In this case, you may setup sha256sum
with this command:
(Validator node only) In
, update minimum gas price to avoid transaction spammingFor network configuration, in
, validator nodes need to modify the configurations ofpersistent_peers
. For non-validator full nodes, onlypersistent_peers
modification is required:
For Mac environment, if jq
is missing, you may install it by: brew install jq
Step 3. Run everything
CAUTION: This page only shows the minimal setup for validator / full node.
Furthermore, you may want to run full nodes as sentries (see Tendermint), restrict your validator connections to only connect to your full nodes, test secure storage of validator keys etc.
Once cronosd
has been configured, we are ready to start the node and sync the blockchain data.
Start cronosd, e.g.:
Remarks: If you see errors saying too many files opened...
, then you need to set a higher number for maximum open file descriptors in your OS.
If you are on OSX or Linux, then the following could be useful:
(Optional for Linux) Start cronosd with systemd service, e.g.:
Example: /etc/systemd/system/cronosd.service created by script
It should begin fetching blocks from the other peers. Please wait until it is fully synced before moving onto the next step.
You can query the node syncing status by
If the above command returns
, It means that your node is fully synced; otherwise, it returnstrue
and implies your node is still catching up.One can check the current block height by querying the public full node by:
and you can check your node's progress (in terms of block height) by
Last updated
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